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The Spanish wines selected by Think Global Wines, for the US market, tell the tradition and history of a nation with a high wine vocation.
Founded by Monica Nogues, Think Global was born from the passion for wine, the result of a symbiotic relationship with nature. Hence, the idea of selecting truly special wines that, by narrating the territory, are also capable of evoking important emotions.
©Monica Nogues-Think global wines
Compared to your beginnings, how has the demand for Spanish wines evolved in the United States? Is there a greater knowledge on the part of your customers of Spanish wines or do they trust exclusively your experience?
Knowledge of Spanish wines and imported wines, in general, has grown very much in the last 25 years. The US consumer and especially the US wine buyer at restaurants and stores have been engaged by wine and their interest and passion, have led them toward getting a broad knowledge and being great professionals and consumers to work with.
Are there wines more in demand than others, perhaps coming from specific Spanish regions, or does the good name of Spanish wines, regardless of the geographical area, win?
I believe Spanish wines now have a space on store shelves and wine lists; more and more buyers are looking for good and authentic wines from Spain.
©Think global wines
What factors influence the choice of the US consumer when buying Spanish wines?
As any imported wine or wine in general I would say price range. Second and crucial the recommendation or advice from their store or sommelier.
According to what qualitative and opportunity criteria does THINK GLOBAL WINES select the companies to be positioned within the US market?
Wines with soul, wines that belong to a place, that respect their history and terroir, wines that are made by growers.
Over the course of your career, did it happen to you to overestimate wines that did not have the expected response in the USA and, vice versa, underestimate labels that turned out to be successful?
I have been very honest to myself: have always purchased wines that I liked, enjoyed, respected, and could relate to them. I believe that has made my selling capacity, communication, and education task easier.
©Think global wines
What are THINK GLOBAL WINES’ medium and long-term goals?
Consolidate, help, and support my great distributors around the US, they are the best and necessary team to achieve the goal of conducting the greatest wines from the cellar to your table or store. Hopefully, I will continue to find beautiful wines that inspire me along the path, and that I would love to share with the US wine drinker.