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Agrestis: an award-winning company in the heart of Sicily that has made quality and customer care its philosophy for generations. The company has developed over time in the charming village of Bucchieri, at 820 meters above sea level. above sea level, in plots entirely organically grown.

About 10,000 olive trees extend over 70 hectares of land. Agrestis is Sicily with its flavors, the excellence of its oil production and more.
We ask Pietro Nicotra to tell Agrestis and its history.

When was Agrestis born and what philosophy prompted the founders to devote themselves to the production of Extra Virgin Olive Oil?
Agrestis was born in 2003, from the idea of Giuseppe Paparone and Lorenzo Nicotra. At the time, the two friends founded a cooperative with the aim of protecting the area’s centuries-old olive trees, located in abandoned countryside. An initiative that, over time, turns out to be no longer just an investment for the production of Extra virgin olive oil for domestic use but a real starting point for the creation of a family-run business to which, subsequently, they also unite their sons Pietro and Salvatore.

Today, Agrestis is one of the island’s leading companies for the production of quality EVOO. Sicilian pride in the world.

Sicily, land of centuries-old olive-growing tradition. In which area of the island are your olive groves located and what are the soil and climatic characteristics that make your production special?
Located at a height of 820 meters. In Bucchieri, in the province of Syracuse, our olive groves benefit from a Mediterranean climate with temperature variations between day and night that characterize our olives, allowing our EVOO to acquire typically Sicilian aromas and personality.

In addition, the terraced land, typically mountainous, allows rainwater to drain quickly, avoiding stagnations that damage the plants and the quality of production.

What cultivars do you grow?
Tonda Iblea, Biancolilla, Nocellara, Moresca and Verdese are the Sicilian cultivars from which we derive our oils. But the cultivar that best expresses its laudable characteristics in our territory is the Tonda Iblea, queen of Buccheri, the highest country in which it is grown in the world. And it is precisely here, thanks to the thermal excursions and the pedoclimatic characteristics that our olive is able to give its best. Our oil has strong hints of green tomato and freshly cut grass, capable of conquering all young and old with its balanced fruitiness, with good bitter and spicy notes, given by the polyphenolic part of the same.

What are the objectives of an ambitious and award-winning company like yours, both nationally and internationally?
A family-run company like ours, with years of experience in the sector and also internationally recognized, must continue with its usual work in order to maintain a high level of quality, personally verifying the work from the fields to bottling. We grow to the extent that we invest in technological and human resources, as well as making our products known nationally and internationally.
Agrestis has the ambition to last over time.

Why are your EVOO’s special?
Our oils tell the story of two friends who started with the desire to produce oil for their families and later, with the help of their respective children, conquered the Italian tables and beyond.
A story of hard work that, still today, continues and offers quality oils and modern and elegant packaging.