Wine & Other Stories

Carrot and oranges soup with a Verdicchio wine

Written by Veronica Lavenia

During the cold season, oranges are the heroes of the Sicilian table. Sicilian blood oranges are reported to have nutritional properties superior to traditional oranges. Among the many useful substances for the prevention of various diseases, there are the anthocyanins, natural pigments which give the red oranges all their colour and the unique flavour. They are key to this delicious dish. You can replace them with traditional oranges.

The suggested pairing is Verdicchio Ylice 2020 by Poderi Mattioli: The sip is fresh, well balanced in its components. The taste-olfactory persistence is good, which recalls an evident hint of fresh citrus fruits on the palate”. For the full review click here.

Ylice 2020 - Poderi Mattioli

© Piero Pardini – The Wolf Post – TUSCANY – ITALY

  • 300 g (101 /2 oz) carrots, peeled 
  • 1 onion, finely chopped 
  • 3 tbsp red oranges juice 
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice 
  • 250 ml (9 fl oz) water 
  • 100 ml (31 /2 oz) organic fresh cream 
  • EVO, to taste 
  • pinch of sea salt
  • 1 rosemary sprig 
  • white pepper, to taste  

© Ph Veronica Lavenia- The Wolf Post

  1. Steam the carrots until they are soft.
  2. Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Add the onion and cook for a few minutes. Add the carrots, crushing them with a fork. Add the citrus juice and cook for about 15 minutes over low heat.
  3. Gradually add the water (if necessary, add more water).
  4. Whisk the mixture. Add the cream and season with salt, rosemary and sprinkle with white pepper.

About the author

Veronica Lavenia

Writer, book author and magazine contributor, some of her works have appeared in the most popular International magazines.
Digital Content Manager and Communication Manager at "The Wolf Post", since the birth of the platform.

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