Wine & Other Stories

Arlanza Wine Ruote

Written by Veronica Lavenia

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The Arlanza Wine Route runs along the Castilian provinces of Burgos and Palencia, where the river from which it takes its name crosses vineyards, junipers, cereals and sunflowers. Over 450 hectares of vineyards, located between the middle and upper Arlanza valleys, the Sierra de Covarrubias and the Cerrato moors, protected by the Arlanza Wine Designation of Origin.

The Arlanza Wine Route tells a thousand-year history and culture: from vineyards planted at the beginning of the 20th century to the most contemporary and avant-garde wine.

Let’s find out more from the words of Elena Reguero Dueñas.

©Ruta del vino Arlanza- PALACIO DUCAL DE LERMA

From when the Association was born to date, what objectives has it achieved and what remains to be achieved?
The Arlanza Wine Route is a relatively young road, born ten years ago and certified in 2015.
Tourists and tour agents are increasingly interested in our destination. We offer products and services of ever higher quality and we are adapting to the different needs that are requested of us.
In our journey we have valued the natural and cultural richness and diversity that characterize us and on which our wine tourism quality is based.
More and more tourists come to enjoy our route. Here, every time of the year has its own charm. All of this has led to an ever wider range of activities.
Little by little we are reaching our goals, but there is still a long way to go. We need to improve the positioning of our brand as a tourist destination nationally and internationally.

Through which services/activities do you promote the dissemination of the Arlanza Wine Route? 
• Visual identity
• Participation in trade fairs
• Presentations and workshops
• Special collaborations
• Marketing for events
• Press trips
• Sending reports
• Attention to individual journalists
• Audiovisual position
• Communication materials


What are the peculiarities of the territory and its wines?
We are in the center of the province of Burgos and south-east of Palencia, where the river, from which it takes its name crosses vineyards, junipers, cereals and sunflowers. We are located between the middle and upper valleys of Arlanza, the Sierra de Covarrubias and the moors of Cerrato. All this territory is protected by the Arlanza Wine Designation of Origin. We are a traditionally wine-growing region which, after a decline in the last century, has re-emerged to produce high quality wines, unique and linked to the Arlanza river that flows through these lands. These are characterized by deep soils, siliceous and granite sandy soils, alluvial rocks and a varied profile.
Time plays a fundamental role in this area, since it is linked to the altitude of about 1,000 m, which causes significant thermal contrasts between day and night.
The result is resistant grapes, with thick skins full of aromatic substances and dyes that differentiate our wines.
The main variety Tinta del País adapted to the area respects 80% of the registered area. The other varieties are:
• Reds: Garnacha, Mecía, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Petit Verdot.
• White: Arlbillo, Viura.

©Ruta del vino Arlanza-TORRE DE SANTA Mª DEL CAMPO

As for the wines we offer;
• Whites: Straw yellow color, with frank aromas. Tasty and balanced.
• Rosé: strawberry red in color, they have intense aromas of red fruits. Fresh and with a good structure.
• Reds: deep reds with bluish edges. Important aromatic potential with aromas of black fruits. On the palate they are fleshy, well structured and with a long aftertaste.
• Aging: In the visual phase it has a cherry red color with tiled edges due to aging. Aromatic on the nose and with a good balance between fruit and wood. On the palate, the wines are fleshy and with a long aftertaste.

Can you briefly describe the route and the territories of cultural and enoturistic interest that crosses?

In our walks along the Arlanza Wine route, the typical candonga is known, a conical chimney that crowns the roof of many houses.

• Baltanás de Cerrato (Palencia): Known for the particular neighborhood of the cellars, declared an asset of cultural interest, in which more than 400 wineries are located on a hill called “The Castle”.
• Torquemada (Palencia): It has a monumental bridge of the sixteenth century, which, due to an enlargement, later went from the initial 22 eyes to the current 25.
• Palenzuela (Palencia): Encompasses History, Art and Tradition. The beauty of its ruins, the abundant archaeological finds, the nine eyes of the medieval bridge over the Arlanza river, the remains of the castle and the walls, the ecclesiastical heritage, are a good reason to visit this municipality.
• Villodrigo (Palencia): numerous archaeological remains of ancient age have been found, from the Celtiberian necropolis to the Roman villas. Various remains of the Roman road are preserved.
• Santa Maria del Campo (Burgos): is known for its imposing and magnificent church, whose plateresque tower is the work of Diego de Siloé and Juan de Salas. Inside, to admire the flamingo tapestries. At the foot of the splendid Renaissance tower of its church, picturesque streets stretch out.
• Mahamud (Burgos): ancient village that takes its name from the Muslim hero Hero Mahamud. Narrow and elegant streets, adorned with shields and coats of arms, lead to the large square. Visitors are admired by the majesty of the Church.
• Villahoz (Burgos): The distribution of its streets is adapted to the remains of the ancient walls. Its monumental church is decorated inside with baroque altarpieces. It has more than 100 cellars excavated on the earth.

©Ruta del vino Arlanza-CAPITEL CLAUSTRO SILOS

Why choose the Arlanza Wine Route?
On the Arlanza Wine Route you will feel the essence of Castile. You will discover a world of sensations. You will enter the heart of a land where the history of wine and its culture travel through time. You will follow the river that fertilizes its plains, plains and hills. You will savor a gastronomy that will surprise you and accompany you in an unforgettable experience.
Come and discover the spirit of its people. Enjoy their hospitality, their company, the value of their authenticity and the essence of their knowledge. Experience each of the many landscapes that this land must enjoy.

About the author

Veronica Lavenia

Writer, book author and magazine contributor, some of her works have appeared in the most popular International magazines.
Digital Content Manager and Communication Manager at "The Wolf Post", since the birth of the platform.

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