Guide Italy South

Tenuta Cobellis

Written by Piero Pardini


In the heart of the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, between the silver of the olive trees, the arboreal presence of the Mediterranean scrub and the lush green of the rows of vines, lies the Tenuta Cobellis farm. The gentle hilly perspectives draw a territory of about 300 hectares which is divided into five estates: Russi, Ogliastriello, Prevetelupo, Starze and Ruine.
Russi is the historic property, the first to be purchased and transformed. The one that gave life and body to the project of a modern company, the same from which the name L’Aglianico “Vigna dei Russi” of TenutaCobellis takes its name. A succession of hills 200 meters above sea level with 14 hectares of vineyards (Aglianico, Fiano, Barbera), centuries-old olive trees and a “wall” of prickly pears that contrasts the blue of the sea in the background. That same sea, which once saw the birth of the Eleatic philosophical school, the presocratic school of thought active in Elea (the current Velia), which with the Poema Perí Physeose (On Nature) by Parmenides, began the history of Western philosophical thought .
The Prevetelupo estate is the heart of the company. It welcomes cattle, sheep, a stable with a very efficient milking parlor and a very modern oil mill with different cold processing lines. Seasonal crops, including alfalfa and corn, alternate between Prevetelupo and Oglistriello and serve to meet the entire needs of the animals.
The splendid olive groves, about 20,000 trees between Pisciottane, Frantoiane and Leccine, extend between Starze and Ruine. The winery of the company is immersed in a small olive grove: the centuries-old trees themselves maintain the right temperature necessary to preserve the work that man and nature have first done and then enclosed in the bottle.

Labels reviewed
De Rubro 2015

Azienda Agricola Tenuta Cobellis
Localita’ Prevetelupo (S.P. 433)
84078 Vallo Della Lucania, (SA)
Phone +39 0974 78955

About the author

Piero Pardini

Founder and editor of "The Wolf Post", Italian based International digital wine platform.
Freelance Journalist.
Wine critic and Sommelier.
He has also written about sports and technology for some specialized magazines.
Co-author of the authorized biography "Gianni Clerici - The writer, the poet the journalist", Le Lettere, Firenze.

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